why is it so important for employees to go through orientation

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Orientation to me is the most important part. How else would yo find out what they have to offer, like the benefits your pay rate. This is when they tell what there expectations are the kind work that you will be doing. The walk through to show were the lunch room is bath rooms, smoke ares. You also get to sign a lot of papers for safety an rules that they go over with you. When I started this new job I enjoy the orientation the lady was nice an slow made sure I understood what she was telling and showing.

Those are great ideas! :-)

The employee benefits from orientation as well as the employer. The employer is assured that each employee knows the rules and feels welcome.


You're welcome.

Employees going through orientation is important for several reasons:

1. Introduction to the organization: Orientation provides new employees with an overview of the company's mission, values, and organizational structure. It helps them understand the purpose and goals of the organization, and how their role fits into the bigger picture. This knowledge is crucial for employees to align themselves with the company's objectives.

2. Familiarity with policies and procedures: Orientation ensures that employees are aware of the organization's policies, procedures, and guidelines. They learn about important topics such as employee benefits, workplace safety, code of conduct, and reporting procedures. By understanding these policies, employees can act in accordance with organizational expectations and avoid potential issues or conflicts.

3. Building relationships: Orientation often involves introductions to colleagues and supervisors, allowing new employees to start building relationships within the workplace. Establishing connections early on promotes a positive work environment, encourages teamwork, and facilitates collaboration. It also assists in creating a support system for new employees, helping them feel included and part of the team.

4. Training and skill development: Orientation frequently includes training sessions to enhance employees' knowledge and skills, relevant to their role. This training may cover technical skills, software or equipment usage, company protocols, or customer service techniques. Providing new employees with the necessary tools and resources ensures they are equipped to perform their job effectively, leading to better productivity and job satisfaction.

To conduct orientation effectively, organizations typically follow these steps:

1. Orientation schedule: Prepare a detailed schedule that outlines the topics and activities to be covered during the orientation period. This ensures new employees receive comprehensive information and training.

2. Information packets: Create information packets containing important documents, such as employee handbooks, policy manuals, benefit guides, and any other relevant materials. Provide these to new employees at the beginning of the orientation process.

3. Presentations and interactive sessions: Conduct informative presentations to introduce new employees to the company's culture, values, mission, and important policies. Incorporate interactive sessions to engage employees and encourage participation.

4. Onboarding buddies or mentors: Assign experienced employees as mentors or buddies to new hires. These mentors can help new employees navigate through their early days, answer questions, and guide them in understanding the organizational culture.

5. Departmental overviews: Schedule sessions where new employees meet with different departments and managers to gain insights into their functions and interdependencies. This helps employees understand the broader aspects of the organization.

6. Feedback and evaluation: Obtain feedback from new employees after the orientation program to identify areas for improvement. Evaluating the effectiveness of the onboarding process allows organizations to refine their approach and make it more beneficial for future hires.

By conducting comprehensive employee orientation, organizations can set a solid foundation for their employees, fostering greater engagement, job satisfaction, and long-term success.