Which of the following choices is not necessary information for a works cited list?

A. the publisher's name
B. The number of pages in the book
C. date of publication

Is B correct? Juct checking, Thanks!

Yes, B is correct.

Thanks, Writeacher!

I really appreciate that!

You're welcome!

To determine which choice is not necessary information for a works cited list, let's break down the purpose of a works cited list. A works cited list is an essential component of a research paper or any publication that requires the acknowledgment of sources used during the writing process.

The purpose of the works cited list is to provide readers with enough information to locate the sources themselves. This ensures the credibility and transparency of your work. The required elements for a works cited entry typically include the author's name, the title of the work, the publisher's name, and the date of publication, among others.

Now, let's evaluate the provided options:

A. The publisher's name: This provides crucial information about the source's origin, allowing others to retrieve the exact edition and verify the credibility of the information.

B. The number of pages in the book: Although the number of pages in a book can be useful in some contexts, it is not an essential piece of information needed to locate the source or assess its validity. Hence, it could be considered as the correct answer to your question.

C. Date of publication: This is a vital piece of information when creating a works cited list. It helps identify the relevance and chronology, especially when dealing with topics that evolve or change over time.

To summarize, the choice that is not necessary information for a works cited list is B. The number of pages in the book. However, keep in mind that citation styles may vary, and certain academic disciplines may require additional or specific information in their works cited lists. Always refer to the appropriate style guide or consult your instructor for guidance.