Is this equation correct: (3 • x • y)4 = 81 • x • y ? Explain why. If it is correct, how can you prove this? If it is incorrect, what should be done to make it right?

The stars that you show in your

equation means multiplication,
but they are not normally shown
in equations; because it is under
stood to mean multiply. The equation
is normally written like this:
4(3XY) = 81XY.

I hope I have answered your question.

This is not an equation; 12XY


So would you consider this equation correct if so why and if not why not?

This is correct: 12XY < 81XY, In other

words, 12 apples are less than 81 apples. So this is an inequality.

To determine whether the equation is correct or incorrect, we can simplify both sides and compare them.

First, let's simplify the left side of the equation, (3 • x • y)4:
To raise a product to a power, we raise each factor to that power. So, raising (3 • x • y) to the power of 4 gives us (3^4) • (x^4) • (y^4), which simplifies to 81 • (x^4) • (y^4).

Now, let's simplify the right side of the equation, 81 • x • y:
Since 81 is already in simplified form, the right side remains as it is: 81 • x • y.

Comparing the two sides, we have:
81 • (x^4) • (y^4) = 81 • x • y.

Therefore, the equation is correct. We have proven this by simplifying both sides and showing that they are equal.

To make it right, if the original equation was incorrect, we would need to modify it. However, in this case, the equation is already correct.