Why is it that biochemists often remember the pKa of weak acids, rather than Ka?

It is easier to remember say 3.6 than 2.5 x 10-4

In addition to the good answer by Dr Russ, note also that the pKa is used in equations such as the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation of pH = pKa + log (base/acid). Remember the pKa and we don't need to change from Ka to pKa.

Biochemists often remember the pKa of weak acids rather than Ka because pKa provides a more convenient way to compare and evaluate the acid's properties in a logarithmic scale. The pKa represents the negative logarithm (base 10) of the acid dissociation constant (Ka).

To understand why pKa is favored in biochemistry, let's first explain Ka. The Ka (acid dissociation constant) quantifies the extent of dissociation of a weak acid in water. It is defined as the ratio of the concentration of dissociated ions to the concentration of undissociated acid molecules.

A larger Ka value indicates a stronger acid because it means that a higher proportion of the acid molecules dissociate into ions. Conversely, a smaller Ka value corresponds to a weaker acid with less dissociation. However, the Ka values for weak acids often vary over several orders of magnitude, making it challenging to compare and categorize them easily.

To simplify the comparison and analysis of acid strengths, biochemists use pKa – the negative logarithm of Ka. The pKa values are expressed on a logarithmic scale, which condenses the range of possible values into a more manageable spectrum.

The pKa scale is defined as:

pKa = -log10(Ka)

By taking the negative logarithm of Ka, the pKa scale converts the wide range of Ka values into a smaller range of pKa values. With this logarithmic scale, a smaller pKa value corresponds to a stronger acid, while a larger pKa value indicates a weaker acid.

Biochemists find pKa easier to work with because it simplifies the comparison between different weak acids. By remembering the pKa values, they can quickly assess and predict how a weak acid will behave in various biochemical processes, such as protein folding, enzyme activity, or pH-dependent reactions.

Overall, the use of pKa in biochemistry allows for a more straightforward and convenient evaluation of weak acids' properties and their impact on biological systems.