you are given two equations which are both true , and yiu are asked to solve for both x and y. you plane to solve this set of eqiutions by substituting part of one equation into the other so you end up with an equation that contains only x's or y's. the first thing you do in this procedure is what?

Solve one of the two equations for x or for y.

Then you will be able to use that expression in the second equation.


The first step in solving the system of equations by substitution is to choose one of the equations and solve it for one variable in terms of the other variable. Let's call the given equations Equation 1 and Equation 2.

1. Choose one of the equations (let's say Equation 1) and solve it for one variable (let's say x) in terms of the other variable (y).
For example, if Equation 1 is:
2x + 3y = 10

Solve it for x:
2x = 10 - 3y
x = (10 - 3y)/2

2. Substitute the expression you just found for the variable (x) into the other equation (Equation 2).
For example, if Equation 2 is:
3x - 4y = 5

Substitute the expression for x into Equation 2:
3((10 - 3y)/2) - 4y = 5

3. Simplify the equation obtained after substitution and solve for the remaining variable (y).
Continuing from the previous step:
(30 - 9y)/2 - 4y = 5

30 - 9y - 8y = 10
-17y = -20
y = (-20) / (-17)

4. Substitute the value of y back into the expression for x to find the corresponding value of x.
Using the value of y from the previous step:
x = (10 - 3*(-20)/(-17))/2

x = (10 + 60/17)/2

Therefore, by following these steps, you can solve for both variables (x and y) using the substitution method.