Train A & B are traveling in the same direction on parelle tracks.Train A is traveling at 60mph, and train is traveling at 80mph.Train A passes a station at 10:25 A.M.If train B passes the some station at 10:37 A.M., what tine will train B catch-up with train A?

so they are 12 minutes apart. Train A has traveled 12 miles in that time (d=v*t)

so, the relative distance is 12miles, at a relative velocity of 20mph, it takes

time=12/20=3/5 hr or 36 min, so the time of catching up is 36 min after 10:37

10:37-10:25=12 minutes=0.2hour difference. When B catches up in 12

minutes, their distance traveled will
be equal: 60t=80(0.2), t=0.266666 hr
=16 minutes.

To find out the time when Train B will catch up with Train A, we can first determine the time gap between Train A passing the station and Train B passing the same station.

Given that Train A passes the station at 10:25 A.M. and Train B passes the station at 10:37 A.M., we can calculate the time gap between them:

Time gap = Time Train B passes the station - Time Train A passes the station
= 10:37 A.M. - 10:25 A.M.
= 12 minutes

This means that Train B is 12 minutes behind Train A when it passes the station.

Now, we need to determine how much distance Train A covers in those 12 minutes. To do this, we'll use the formula:

Distance = Speed x Time

Given that Train A is traveling at 60 mph and the time gap is 12 minutes (which is equivalent to 12/60 = 0.2 hours), we can find the distance Train A covers:

Distance = 60 mph x 0.2 hours
= 12 miles

Therefore, Train B needs to cover a distance of 12 miles to catch up with Train A.

Next, we can calculate the time it will take for Train B to cover the same distance as Train A. Since both trains are traveling at a constant speed, we can use the formula:

Time = Distance / Speed

Given that Train B needs to cover a distance of 12 miles and its speed is 80 mph, we can find the time it will take for Train B to catch up:

Time = 12 miles / 80 mph
= 0.15 hours

Finally, we need to convert the time from hours to minutes. There are 60 minutes in an hour, so:

Time = 0.15 hours x 60 minutes/hour
= 9 minutes

Therefore, Train B will catch up with Train A after 9 minutes, starting from the time Train A passed the station. Adding 9 minutes to the initial time when Train A passed the station (10:25 A.M.), we get the final answer:

10:25 A.M. + 9 minutes = 10:34 A.M.

Train B will catch up with Train A at 10:34 A.M.