Design a program that calculates the total amount of a meal purchased at a restaurant. The program should ask the user to enter the charge for the food, and the calculate the amount of a 15 percent tip and 7 percent sales tax. Display each of these amounts and the total.

To design a program that calculates the total amount of a meal purchased at a restaurant, you can use the following steps:

1. Ask the user to enter the charge for the food (sub-total).

2. Calculate the amount of a 15 percent tip by multiplying the sub-total by 0.15.

3. Calculate the amount of a 7 percent sales tax by multiplying the sub-total by 0.07.

4. Add the sub-total, tip, and sales tax to get the total amount.

5. Display each of these amounts (tip, sales tax) along with the total.

Here's an example implementation in Python:

# Step 1: Ask the user to enter the charge for the food
sub_total = float(input("Enter the charge for the food: $"))

# Step 2: Calculate the amount of a 15 percent tip
tip = sub_total * 0.15

# Step 3: Calculate the amount of a 7 percent sales tax
sales_tax = sub_total * 0.07

# Step 4: Calculate the total amount
total = sub_total + tip + sales_tax

# Step 5: Display the results
print("Tip: $", format(tip, '.2f'))
print("Sales Tax: $", format(sales_tax, '.2f'))
print("Total amount: $", format(total, '.2f'))

In this program, the input() function is used to get the sub-total from the user as a float value. The tip and sales tax are calculated by multiplying the sub-total by the respective percentages. The total is calculated by adding the sub-total, tip, and sales tax. Finally, the results are displayed using the print() function with the format() method to round the values to two decimal places.