What is the difference between the idea of set points versus settling points in relation to weight control? I've read and re-read the text and can't find any info regarding the idea of settling points. I'm a little bit lost and would like some help with this question please. Thank you.

According to this article, the set point is determined by the body physiology. The settling point is determined by the environment.


Thank you.

You're welcome.

According to my understanding and I am not understand too well enough to differentiate between the ideas of set points versus settling points in the relation to weight control, but what I think I understand from reading the text is that set points are the regulation of intake and output of energy level of a given individual, and this is controlled by the feedback from the settling point. It is like the set point is the body physiology depending on the environment or situation within that given environment.

Set points can also mean the natural weight that a given individual’s body will assume if provided with the right foods, and activity. Perhaps, if I eat healthy meals and exercise as a routine, then the body will maintain its normal body weight according to the physiology of that body. But let’s assumed I am on vacation and I am attacked by a variety of delicacies for the duration of my vacation, then there is a likelihood that I may loss control of my routine and consume more than I normally would and this activity caused a change of my set point, then this new set point will be my settling point. Set point and settling point is really the regulatory system of the body.
When all the facts are examined and reality sets in, I believe the settling point to be the one we are most inclined to considering the current crisis of obesity epidemic in the City of New York. I do believe that eating is the settling point given the various contributions that influence eating to achieve this equilibrium. It is all about our mind out behaviors because our weight do fluctuates we can never maintain a set point for the rest of our lives. Age can also cause changes in our body, so even our body weight is not set in stone.

To understand the difference between set points and settling points in relation to weight control, let's break down each concept:

1. Set points: The idea of set points proposes that our bodies have a predetermined weight range or set point that they strive to maintain. According to this theory, our bodies possess a built-in mechanism to regulate weight, maintaining it within this range. The concept suggests that our metabolism and appetite may adjust to keep our weight stable around this set point.

2. Settling points: On the other hand, settling points refer to the idea that our body weight is influenced by various factors, such as genetics, environment, behavior, and lifestyle choices. Unlike set points, settling points suggest that our weight is not fixed at a specific point but instead settles or fluctuates based on the balance between energy intake (calories consumed) and energy expenditure (calories burned).

While the concept of set points has been more widely discussed and studied in the context of weight control, settling points provide a more flexible perspective that recognizes the dynamic nature of weight regulation.

When addressing weight control, it is important to note that both set points and settling points can influence our weight. However, understanding the complexities of weight regulation requires considering a range of factors, including physiology, genetics, lifestyle, and environment. Research in this area is still evolving, and there is ongoing debate among experts about the significance and applicability of each concept.

In relation to finding information specifically on settling points, if you have extensively searched the provided text and haven't found any information on the concept, it is possible that settling points may not have been covered in that particular source. To gather more information on settling points, you can consider exploring other academic articles, books, or reputable sources that discuss weight regulation and related theories. Additionally, consulting with experts in the field, such as registered dietitians or professionals in the field of nutrition and weight management, may provide further insights and clarification.