1. It was fun for Tom to play with snow.

2. It was fun of Tom to play with snow.

3. It was funny for Tom to play with snow.

4. It was funny of Tom to play with snow.
(Which ones are grammatical?)

Not "of" Tom. #1 and #3 are fine but #2 and #4 sound awkward, possible but definitely not as good as "for."


To determine which of the given sentences are grammatical, we need to analyze each one individually.

1. "It was fun for Tom to play with snow."
This sentence is grammatically correct. The phrase "for Tom to play with snow" functions as an infinitive phrase, acting as the subject complement of the sentence.

2. "It was fun of Tom to play with snow."
This sentence is grammatically incorrect. The preposition "of" is not typically used in this context to express enjoyment. Instead, the preposition "for" is more commonly used.

3. "It was funny for Tom to play with snow."
This sentence is grammatically correct. Like sentence 1, the phrase "for Tom to play with snow" acts as the subject complement and is correctly formed.

4. "It was funny of Tom to play with snow."
Similar to sentence 2, this sentence is grammatically incorrect. Again, the preposition "of" is not appropriate to convey the intended meaning. The preposition "for" should be used instead.

Therefore, sentences 1 and 3 are the grammatically correct options.