Which sentence below contains a dangling modifier?

Finding a place to sleep, the bed was comfortable.
The bed was a comfortable place to sleep.
Finding a place to sleep was difficult.
Finding a place to sleep, the children thought the bed was comfortable

One of those seems to imply that the bed might have been finding a place to sleep. Which one sounds like that?

The first one.

The sentence that contains a dangling modifier is:

Finding a place to sleep, the bed was comfortable.

To identify a dangling modifier, you need to understand what a modifier is. A modifier is a word or phrase that provides additional information about another word in a sentence. Dangling modifiers occur when the word or phrase being modified is not clearly stated in the sentence, leading to confusion or illogical meaning.

In this case, the phrase "Finding a place to sleep" is the modifier, but it is not connected to the subject it is intended to modify. The subject of the sentence is "the bed," but the modifier suggests that it is the person finding a place to sleep. This creates a dangling modifier because it doesn't logically or clearly describe the subject of the sentence.

To correct this sentence, you could rephrase it to make the subject of the modifier clear:

The bed was a comfortable place to sleep.

In this revised sentence, the modifier is removed and the meaning is clear - the bed is being described as a comfortable place to sleep.