multiply: 15a^2 / 14 * 7 / 5a

a) 3a^2 / 2
b) 6a
c) 21a / 2
d) 3a / 2

the answer i picked was D



To solve the expression, we can follow the order of operations (PEMDAS/BODMAS) which stands for Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division (from left to right), and Addition and Subtraction (from left to right).

Let's break down the expression step by step:

1. Multiply the numerators:
15a^2 * 7 = 105a^2

2. Multiply the denominators:
14 * 5a = 70a

3. Simplify the expression by canceling out any common factors between the numerator and denominator:
105a^2 / 70a = 15a^2 / 10a

4. Simplify further by canceling out like terms:
15a^2 / 10a = (15/10) * (a^2/a)

5. Divide both the numerator and denominator by the common factor 'a':
(15/10) * 1a = (15/10) * a

6. Simplify the fraction:
(15/10) * a = 3/2 * a

Hence, the answer is:
c) 21a / 2