Divide: p^2 + 4p - 5 / p^2 + 7p + 10 * p + 4 / p - 1

a) p + 2
b) p + 2 / p + 4
c) p+4 / p+2

Just need to know if my answer is right or wrong and the answer i picked was c

p^2+4p-5= (p-1)(p+5)

p^2+7p+10= (p+2)(p+5)

(p-1)(p+5)/(p+2)(p+5)* p+4/p-1

cross out p+5
then cross out p-1
since p+4 is the numerator it stays on top.
since p+2 is the denominator it stays at the bottom.
your result will be p+4/p+2

thanks jessie

To divide the given expression, you can follow the steps of polynomial long division. Here's how:

Step 1: Rewrite the expression in the numerator and the denominator as separate polynomials.
Numerator: p^2 + 4p - 5
Denominator: (p^2 + 7p + 10) * (p + 4)

Step 2: Divide the first term of the numerator by the first term of the denominator.
(p^2 / p^2) = 1

Step 3: Multiply the entire denominator by the result from Step 2 and subtract it from the numerator.
Numerator after subtraction: (p^2 + 4p - 5) - (1 * (p^2 + 7p + 10) * (p + 4))

Step 4: Repeat Steps 2 and 3 with the new numerator.
(4p - 5) / (p^2 + 7p + 10) = (4p / p^2) = 4/p

Step 5: Continue this process until there are no more terms to divide or the degree of the new numerator is less than the degree of the denominator.

After performing these steps, you should obtain the answer as:
(p^2 + 4p - 5) / (p^2 + 7p + 10) * (p + 4) = (4/p)

Comparing this with the answer choices given:
a) p + 2
b) p + 2 / p + 4
c) p+4 / p+2
d) 2

None of them match the simplified expression of (4/p), so your selected answer, choice c) p+4 / p+2, is incorrect.