A woman has $1.70 in dimes and nickels. She has 5 more dimes than nickels. How many nickels does she have?

A.8 B. 3 C.13 D. 18

nickels --- x

dimes ---- x+5

solve 5x + 10(x+5) = 170

Got it ! thanks Reiny

ed has 3.85 in nickels and dimes. the nummber of nickels exceeds two times the number of dimes by 1. find the number he has of each kind.

To solve this problem, let's assume that the number of nickels the woman has is "x".

Since she has 5 more dimes than nickels, the number of dimes she has can be represented as "x + 5".

Each nickel is worth 5 cents, and each dime is worth 10 cents.

The total value of the nickels can be calculated by multiplying the number of nickels by 5: 5x.

The total value of the dimes can be calculated by multiplying the number of dimes by 10: 10(x + 5).

We know that the total value of the nickels and dimes combined is $1.70. Therefore, we can set up the equation:

5x + 10(x + 5) = 170

Simplifying the equation:
5x + 10x + 50 = 170
15x + 50 = 170
15x = 120
x = 8

So, the woman has 8 nickels.

Answer: A. 8