I need to find the answer to this riddle. I followed the directions but didn't come up with anything I see that makes sense. Can anyone help please? Thanks!

What word is spelled after following these directions?

1. Write the words GEORGE WASHINGTON on your paper.
2. Take out all of the E's.
3. Counting only the remaining letters, add an L after each seventh letter.
4. Move the second G to the beginning, and put the last letter in its place.
5. Wherever three consonants appear together, change them in order so that the first consonant in the group becomes the last, the one in second place takes the first position, and the one in third position becomes the middle consonant in the group.
6. Take out the last two vowels.
7. Whenever a double consonant (example, PP, TT, NN, etc.) appears, take out both letters.
8. Beginning with the third letter from the left, interchange each two letters.
9. Take out the last two letters.
10. Move the last letter so that it will be the first letter.
11. Add a D after each fourth letter and at the beginning.
12. Replace every S with an N.
13. Take out the three middle letters.
14. Take out the final letter and put the first letter in its place.

You're close.

Hint: The last word is an informal name of a European country.


This is a favorite "follow the directions" exercise. After a couple of tries, I found the answer.

Here's how I started.


Can you finish it from here?

That's what I got. :-)

Good job! Thanks for the help!

You're welcome. :-)

To solve this riddle, let's break down the directions step by step:

1. Write the words GEORGE WASHINGTON on your paper.
- Start by writing down the words "GEORGE WASHINGTON" as instructed.

2. Take out all of the E's.
- Go through the words you wrote and remove all the letter "E."

3. Counting only the remaining letters, add an L after each seventh letter.
- Count the remaining letters and insert an "L" after every seventh letter.

4. Move the second G to the beginning, and put the last letter in its place.
- Move the second letter "G" in the words to the beginning, and replace the last letter of the words with the original second "G".

5. Wherever three consonants appear together, change them in order so that the first consonant in the group becomes the last, the one in second place takes the first position, and the one in third position becomes the middle consonant in the group.
- Look for any sequence of three consonants together and rearrange them according to the given order (last becomes first, second becomes last, and third becomes the middle).

6. Take out the last two vowels.
- Remove the last two vowels from the remaining letters.

7. Whenever a double consonant (example, PP, TT, NN, etc.) appears, take out both letters.
- Identify any double consonants (two consecutive identical consonants) and eliminate both letters.

8. Beginning with the third letter from the left, interchange each two letters.
- Starting from the third letter, swap every two consecutive letters in the remaining word.

9. Take out the last two letters.
- Remove the last two letters from the word.

10. Move the last letter so that it will be the first letter.
- Relocate the last letter of the word to become the first letter.

11. Add a D after each fourth letter and at the beginning.
- Insert a letter "D" after every fourth letter and also at the beginning of the word.

12. Replace every S with an N.
- Change every occurrence of the letter "S" to "N".

13. Take out the three middle letters.
- Remove the three middle letters from the word.

14. Take out the final letter and put the first letter in its place.
- Eliminate the final letter of the word and replace it with the original first letter.

By following these steps, you should have arrived at a new word that satisfies the given directions.