ok one morefor this question this was the answer

3.)Which of the following statesmen was the strongest supporter of "liberty" as a political value?
=a)Patrick Henry

but I have a similiar question but not exactly the same and I put the asnwer as being Patrick Henry.here it is

Which of the following statesmen was the strongest supporter of "order" as a political value?
Alexander Hamilton
John Adams
Patrick Henry
Thomas Jefferson

Liberty and order are two entirely different values. Which of the other three men strongly supported order?

alexander hamilton as i looked back in my text material it said he favored order over liberty!

You're right! :-)

Thanks alot for everything!

Thomas Jefferson

To answer this question, you need to evaluate which statesman among Alexander Hamilton, John Adams, Patrick Henry, and Thomas Jefferson was the strongest supporter of "order" as a political value. In order to do this, you can analyze the beliefs and actions of each of these statesmen.

1. Alexander Hamilton: Hamilton was a Federalist who sought to establish a strong central government and believed in the importance of a stable, orderly society. He was a proponent of fiscal responsibility, maintaining law and order, and upholding the Constitution.

2. John Adams: Adams, as the second President of the United States, emphasized the need for a strong federal government to ensure stability and order. He played a crucial role in drafting the Constitution and believed in a balanced government with checks and balances to maintain order.

3. Patrick Henry: As mentioned earlier, Patrick Henry was known for his strong support of "liberty" as a political value, advocating for individual rights and freedoms. While he prioritized personal freedoms, his emphasis on liberty might suggest a preference for a more limited government, which could potentially conflict with a strict interpretation of "order" as a political value.

4. Thomas Jefferson: Jefferson was a key architect of the Declaration of Independence and the third President of the United States. While he valued personal freedoms, Jefferson also recognized the importance of maintaining order. He believed in a decentralized government and strong states' rights, which he believed would contribute to a well-ordered society.

Considering these assessments, it can be argued that Alexander Hamilton was the strongest supporter of "order" as a political value among the four statesmen listed. However, keep in mind that political beliefs and values can be complex and nuanced, and interpretations may vary. It is important to thoroughly analyze the actions and writings of each statesman to form a well-informed conclusion.