What is the goal of Japan in World War 2?

A. to defeat Germany
B. to capture China
C. to extend its empire

Is the correct answer C?
Thank You for checking!

To gain control of as much of China, South East Asia, and the Pacific Ocean as possible so that they could force the people living there to produce the raw materials Japan needed for its industries under slave labor conditions. Michael Montagne.

So is it B or C?


I'm sorry I misread your post. I would say it's B.

Sorry, it is C.


The correct answer is C. Japan's goal in World War 2 was to extend its empire. To arrive at this conclusion, it is helpful to have an understanding of the historical context surrounding Japan's involvement in the war. Japan sought to expand its influence in the Asia-Pacific region and establish a co-prosperity sphere, which would give them control over resources and territories in Asia. This ambition led to Japan's invasion of China in 1937 and subsequent actions throughout Southeast Asia and the Pacific. Ultimately, Japan's aim was to create a self-sufficient empire that would secure resources and provide a buffer against potential foreign interventions.