Please help me create basic character outline!?

I already some part but please help me continue with it. Here is what i wrote.

Since Sava was a little girl she loved watching little kids. When she became older she eventually wanted kids as her love for young kids. She got married at the age of 30. After two years, she decided she wanted kids. Over the next few years she already had three young kids, two boys and a girl. It was Sava’s dream to be a stay-at-home mom looking after her kids. Although she had love for children, she was a selfish mother. Sava would rot her kids in diapers, leaving them in the dirty diapers for hours. She would always serve food herself first rather than serving her kids. At night she would put them to bed in their untidy clothes. Sava was known as a selfish woman who barely treated her kids the right way, treating them like animals. When Sava’s kids became old enough to know about their mother, they disobeyed her every minute. This made Sava feel neglected from her children. In her mind, Sava knew she had to make a move and start changing her attitude. She started learning the real meaning of love for her kids when she came in an older stage; 40. She felt terribly sorry for her. Sava suddenly started changing her attitudes towards her children, realizing how badly she treated her own children. Sava had become a more mature woman for her age. She became from a selfish to a thoughtful mom. Every night she sat next to her children reading bed time stories, until they went to sleep. She would serve food to her children first rather than herself. Now as Sava became a caring mother, her children loved her as a mom. They treated her with respect, felt loved by her thoughtful mother. To this day, Sava has been a great example on her kids until they became grow-ups ready to live their own lives.

now tell me how she changed her life. here is what you should do

Part 1: a profile about the character who faces a conflict
Part 2: the same profile but with 4-5 character details added
Part 3: a paragraph about how changing one character trait would change how your character dealt with the conflict.

ill give you a hint: the character changed by being thoughtful. now write about that.

Part 1: Profile of Sava - Facing a Conflict

Sava, a woman in her late 30s, is a self-centered stay-at-home mom who has three young children. Despite her love for children, she has been neglectful of her duties as a mother, often leaving her kids in soiled diapers for hours and prioritizing her own needs over theirs. Sava's children have grown to resent her and constantly defy her authority. Feeling neglected and realizing the consequences of her selfishness, Sava finds herself at a crossroads, recognizing the need for a change in her attitude towards motherhood.

Part 2: Profile of Sava - Character Details
Sava, a woman in her late 30s, is a self-centered stay-at-home mom who has three young children - two boys and a girl. She is known for her neglectful behavior, often failing to change her children's diapers promptly and disregarding their needs. Sava prioritizes herself over her kids, always serving her own food before attending to their hunger. neglSava sava a complete disregard for her children's appearance, often putting them to bed in untidy clothes. This selfish behavior has caused her children to resent and disobey her at every opportunity, leaving Sava feeling neglected and isolated. At the age of 40, Sava experiences a moment of realization, recognizing the severe consequences of her actions and feeling deeply sorry for her behavior. This epiphany prompts her to undergo a transformation, becoming a more mature and thoughtful woman for her age. She starts prioritizing the needs of her children, showing them love and attention they have longed for since their birth.

Part 3: How Changing One Character Trait Impacted Sava's Conflict
The transformation of Sava from a selfish mother to a thoughtful one has a profound impact on how she deals with the conflict of her children's defiance and resentment. Before her change, Sava's self-centeredness only fueled their disobedience, as they felt neglected and unloved by their own mother. However, as Sava begins to prioritize the needs of her children over her own, making them her focal point, she earns their respect and love. By putting their well-being and happiness first, Sava establishes a nurturing environment where her children feel secure, appreciated, and loved. This newfound thoughtfulness alters her relationship with her children, turning it into one based on mutual respect and understanding. Sava's transformation showcases the power of compassion and self-reflection, proving that changing one character trait can lead to a significant positive change in resolving conflicts and building healthier relationships.