A store was offering 30 % off everything in the bike store . A boy bought a bike for $91 dollars. How much was the original price of the bike? please explain each step. We are studying proportions and percents. thanks

30% off is 70% on

70% is .70
.70 p = 91
p = 91/.7

To find the original price of the bike, we can use the concept of proportions and percents. Here's how to approach this problem step by step:

Step 1: Let's assume the original price of the bike is "x" dollars.

Step 2: The store is offering a 30% discount on everything, which means the boy paid 70% of the original price since he had a 30% discount.

Step 3: To calculate 70% of the original price, we can convert the percent to a decimal by dividing it by 100. So, 70% is equal to 70/100 = 0.7.

Step 4: We can set up a proportion using the amount paid and the original price:

Amount paid / Original price = Percent as a decimal

$91 / x = 0.7

Step 5: Now we can solve the proportion by cross-multiplying:

x * 0.7 = $91

Step 6: To isolate x, divide both sides of the equation by 0.7:

x = $91 / 0.7

Step 7: Calculate the value of x to find the original price of the bike:

x = $130.

Therefore, the original price of the bike was $130.