I'm trying to help my child with this problem..

1.A bird is flying around the world at a rate of 12.2ft/sec. How many days will it take to complete its journey? (circumference of earth=25,000 miles.

2. A deep space probe is traveling at a velocity of 56.2km/s. What is its velocity in miles/mins?

Maybe I'm getting old, but I don't remember having this type of chemistry in class.


=0.1386 MILES/(1/60)hr

8.316 miles /hr X 24 hrs/da=199.6 miles/da
25000 miles/199.6 miles/da=125 days.

1 meter=3.3ft, 56200 meters=185460ft.

56.2km/s=185460ft/s=35.125 miles/s
=2107.5 miles/min

These problems involve conversions and calculations related to units of measurement. Let's break down each question step by step:

1. To find the number of days it will take for the bird to complete its journey around the world, we need to determine the distance it travels and then convert the units of measurement.

- The circumference of the Earth is given as 25,000 miles.
- The bird is flying at a rate of 12.2 feet per second.

To calculate the distance the bird travels, we need to find out the time it takes to complete one full revolution around the Earth. Since the bird is flying at a constant rate, we can use the formula:

Distance = rate * time

Since the circumference of the Earth is given in miles, we need to convert the bird's speed from feet per second to miles per second. There are 5,280 feet in a mile, so we can use this conversion factor to find the bird's speed in miles per second.

Now, we can set up the equation:

25,000 miles = (12.2 feet/second) * (1 mile/5280 feet) * time

Simplifying the equation, we can cancel out the units and solve for time:

25,000 = 0.00231060606061 miles/second * time
time = 25,000 / 0.00231060606061

By dividing the two values, we get:

time ≈ 10,836,733.88 seconds

To convert this to days, we need to divide by the number of seconds in a day, which is 24 hours * 60 minutes * 60 seconds = 86,400 seconds.

time ≈ 10,836,733.88 seconds / 86,400 seconds

Therefore, it will take the bird approximately 125.57 days to complete its journey around the world.

2. To find the velocity of the deep space probe in miles per minute, we need to convert its velocity from kilometers per second to miles per minute.

- The probe's velocity is given as 56.2 km/s.

To convert kilometers to miles, we need to use the conversion factor of 0.621371 miles per kilometer.

Now, we can set up the equation:

velocity (miles/minute) = (56.2 km/second) * (0.621371 miles/km) * (60 seconds/minute)

Simplifying the equation, we can cancel out the units:

velocity (miles/minute) = (56.2 * 0.621371 * 60) miles/minute

Evaluating the expression, we find:

velocity ≈ 2,021.9157724 miles/minute

Therefore, the velocity of the deep space probe is approximately 2,021.92 miles per minute.