Convert 3.01 x 1023 molecules of C2H6 to moles.

Well, if you want to convert 3.01 x 10^23 molecules of C2H6 to moles, you can think of it like converting a party full of molecules to a party full of moles. It's a wild chemistry party!

Now, let's do some math. The conversion factor you need is Avogadro's constant, which is approximately 6.022 x 10^23 molecules per mole. So, to convert, you simply divide the number of molecules by Avogadro's constant.

So, dividing 3.01 x 10^23 molecules by 6.022 x 10^23 molecules per mole (Avogadro's conversion factor), you get approximately 0.5 moles of C2H6.

So, if you have 3.01 x 10^23 molecules of C2H6, you've got yourself half a mole of C2H6. That's enough to throw a small chemistry party!

To convert molecules of a substance to moles, you need to use Avogadro's number, which is approximately 6.022 x 10^23.

Here's how to do the conversion:

Step 1: Identify the given number of molecules. In this case, we have 3.01 x 10^23 molecules of C2H6.

Step 2: Set up a conversion factor using Avogadro's number. Since Avogadro's number represents the number of particles (molecules or atoms) in one mole, the conversion factor is 1 mole / (6.022 x 10^23 molecules).

Step 3: Perform the conversion calculation.

First, write down the given number of molecules:
3.01 x 10^23 molecules

Next, multiply by the conversion factor, ensuring that the given unit (molecules) cancels out with the conversion factor unit (molecules):
3.01 x 10^23 molecules x (1 mole / 6.022 x 10^23 molecules)

(3.01 / 6.022) x (10^23 / 10^23) moles

0.499 mole of C2H6 (rounded to three decimal places)

so basically what you're ANSWER IS 15 moles

youre going to multiply 3.01X10^23 by 30 g/mole
(30 g/mole is the molar mass of C2H6)
then after multiplying you get 9.03E+24 youll divide that by 6.02X10^23
and get 15 moles

3.01 x 10^23 molecules x (1 mole/6.02 x 10^23 molecules) = ?? moles.

Note that the factor in parentheses is a conversion factor and it is arranged so that the unit we want to convert FROM cancels (in this case the unit we want to get rid of is molecules) and the unit we want to convert TO is mole and that unit does not cancel.