select the sentence in which the verb correctly agrees with the subject.

You probably need to type the sentences here.

Please also indicate which you think are the right answers.

To select the sentence in which the verb correctly agrees with the subject, you need to identify the subject and the verb and ensure they are in agreement in terms of number (singular or plural). Here are some examples:

1. The cat jumps over the fence. - In this sentence, the subject is "the cat" (singular) and the verb is "jumps" (also singular), so the verb agrees with the subject.

2. The cats jumps over the fence. - In this sentence, the subject is "the cats" (plural) but the verb is "jumps" (singular). The verb does not agree with the subject.

3. The cat jump over the fence. - In this sentence, the subject is "the cat" (singular) but the verb is "jump" (plural). The verb does not agree with the subject.

4. The cats jump over the fence. - In this sentence, the subject is "the cats" (plural) and the verb is "jump" (plural), so the verb agrees with the subject.

Based on these examples, the sentence that demonstrates correct subject-verb agreement is: "The cat jumps over the fence."