Need to get these checked--

33. What is the area of a square with the dimension of 1 + sqrt of 2?


34. A matrix with 5 columns and six rows added to another matrix with 5 columns and 6 rows would result in a matrix with:
a. 12 columns and 10 rows
b. 5 columns and 6 rows
c. 10 columns and 12 rows
d. 6 columns and 5 rows

Not sure..

43. If on the first day someone gave you $5, and then doubled that amount each day, how much money would you have total, on the sixth day?



(1+sqrt 2)(1+sqrt 2) = 1+2sqrt 2 + 2

3 + 2 sqrt 2

You just add elements, no change in number of rows or columns
5*2^0 day 1
5*2^1 day 2
5*2^2 day 3

5*2^5 = 5*32 = 160 day 6

To check the given questions:

33. To find the area of a square, you need to square the length of one of its sides. In this case, the dimension of the square is given as 1 + sqrt(2). So, to find the area, you square this value: (1 + sqrt(2))^2 = 1 + 2sqrt(2) + 2 = 3 + 2sqrt(2) = 9.64.

34. When adding two matrices, the dimensions of the matrices need to be the same. In this case, both matrices have 5 columns and 6 rows. When adding them, the resulting matrix will also have 5 columns and 6 rows. Therefore, the answer is b. 5 columns and 6 rows.

43. To find the total amount of money on the sixth day, you need to calculate the amount of money given on each day and then sum them up. On the first day, you were given $5. On the second day, you were given twice that amount, which is 2 * $5 = $10. This doubling continues for each subsequent day. So, on the sixth day, you will have 2^5 * $5 = $160.

Therefore, the correct answers are:

33. Area of the square with dimension 1 + sqrt(2) = 9.64.
34. The resulting matrix when adding two matrices with 5 columns and 6 rows is b. 5 columns and 6 rows.
43. The total amount of money on the sixth day is $160.