What do you think a good third world city or a major city in a poor developing country would be a good one to write an urbanization report and trends on? I have to have a major city in the country? I just want advice if anyone knows what one would be good to research and write a report on, honeslty I have never been out of the U.S. and am not up to date on current countries? Thoughts, city's country's?

The poorest countries are considered "least developed" countries. Most are in Africa. The developing countries list is longer.



Since I've spent about 4 weeks in Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon), Vietnam, in the last 15 years, I suggest you choose that city. The country has made a lot of changes -- but Saigon doesn't seem to have changed much.

are these countries that are growing in population though, urbanization?

are these two the same city? Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon),

Ho Chi Minh City is the official name, but many people still use the old name, Saigon.

I suggest you research Vietnam and other countries to see which are growing primarily by urbanization.


When choosing a city for your urbanization report on a poor developing country, there are several factors you may want to consider. Here are a few suggestions to help you select a suitable city:

1. Economic significance: Look for a city that holds economic importance within its country. It could be a major commercial or industrial center, or a city that plays a crucial role in the country's economy.

2. Population size: Focus on cities with significant populations. Urbanization trends are often more apparent in cities with larger populations as they experience higher rates of rural-to-urban migration.

3. Urban infrastructure: Consider cities that exhibit varying levels of urban infrastructure development. This can include transportation systems, housing conditions, access to basic services like water and sanitation, or the presence of slums.

4. Geographic diversity: Explore cities from different regions or geographical contexts within the chosen country. This can provide insights into how urbanization trends might vary across different landscapes or climates.

5. Existing research and data: Check for availability and accessibility of data and research related to urbanization in the city. Having access to reliable information will aid in the depth and accuracy of your report.

Once you have identified a few potential cities based on these considerations, you can further narrow down your choices by conducting preliminary research. Look for statistical data, reports, academic papers, and case studies that outline urbanization trends in those cities. This will help you gauge the availability of information and give you an idea of which city might provide more valuable content for your report.

Remember to consider the feasibility of collecting data and conducting research in the chosen city, especially if you're planning to travel there or if you're relying on local contacts for information.