Probably quite easy but I am stuck :/ 3d+6e

I am supposed to factorise it

Factor, not factorise..3(d+2e)

Ahhh thank you very much :)

To solve the expression 3d+6e, you would need more information to find the specific values of 'd' and 'e'. The expression consists of variables 'd' and 'e' multiplied by constants (3 and 6) and then added together.

If you have specific values for 'd' and 'e', you could substitute those values into the expression to find the result. For example, if 'd' is 2 and 'e' is 4, the expression would become:

3(2) + 6(4) = 6 + 24 = 30

However, until you have specific values for 'd' and 'e', you won't be able to simplify the expression further.