What are dreams that contain symbolic characters and appear surreal?

Do you have choices? Are you looking for a specific term?

Either nightmares, night terrors, daydreams, or archetypical dreams

I am almost positive that it's archetypical dreams.

Jen is right.

Dreams that contain symbolic characters and appear surreal are often referred to as "symbolic dreams" or "surreal dreams." These types of dreams are thought to reflect the unconscious mind and can be rich in symbolic imagery and abstract concepts. To interpret dreams that contain symbolic characters and appear surreal, you can follow these steps:

1. Recall the dream: Try to remember as many details as possible from the dream, including the setting, characters, actions, and any objects or symbols that stood out. Write down or make a mental note of the key elements.

2. Analyze the symbols: Look for any symbols or objects that appeared in the dream. Symbols in dreams can have personal or universal meanings. Consider what they represent to you personally and the emotions they evoke. For example, if you dream of a snake, it may symbolize fear or transformation.

3. Consider personal experiences: Reflect on any recent events, emotions, or experiences in your waking life that might be relevant to the dream symbols. Dreams often incorporate elements from our daily lives and can provide insight into our thoughts and emotions.

4. Explore the emotions: Pay attention to the emotions you experienced during the dream. Dreams can be influenced by our subconscious feelings and can provide a way to process and understand our emotions. Consider how the surreal and symbolic elements of the dream made you feel.

5. Seek different perspectives: Consult dream dictionaries, books on dream interpretation, or online resources to explore different symbolic meanings. However, keep in mind that dream symbols can vary in meaning depending on the individual. Use these resources as guides rather than strict interpretations.

6. Reflect on the overall message: Take a step back and consider the dream as a whole. Reflect on the sequence of events, the interactions between characters, and the overall mood. Symbolic and surreal dreams may not have a straightforward narrative, but they often convey a deeper message or insight.

Remember, dream interpretation is subjective, and the true meaning of your dream can only be understood by you. It is important to trust your own intuition and personal associations when interpreting your dreams.