A football team’s coach predicts that his team will win 9 out of 10, or 90%, of its games. Which method did he most likely use to make this prediction my answer to this is relative frequency is this correct equally likely outcomes

law of large numbers
relative frequency


This answer is possible, as it is possible that the coach made this prediction based on his personal judgment and estimation, without using any specific mathematical method. However, it is more likely that the coach used the concept of probability, specifically the relative frequency approach, to make this prediction based on past performance and similar events. Therefore, the correct answer is "relative frequency."

The method that the football team's coach most likely used to make this prediction is the law of large numbers.

The law of large numbers states that as the number of trials or observations increases, the relative frequency of an event will tend to approach the true probability of that event. In other words, it suggests that the more times an event is repeated, the more accurate the observed percentage will be compared to the true percentage.

In this case, the coach's prediction of winning 9 out of 10 games, or 90%, implies that he based his prediction on the assumption that if the team plays a large number of games, the observed winning percentage will tend to approach the true winning probability, which he believed to be 90%.

So, out of the given options, the most likely method the coach used is the law of large numbers.