Can you help me to convert 95,000 ksi to lbs ?


Ksi is kilo-pound force per square inch and is 1000 times psi, or pound-force per square inch.

To convert from ksi to psi, multiply by 1000.
For example, 0.5 ksi = 0.5*1000 = 500 psi.

what is .50 times 95000 lbs?

Of course, Tony! To convert from ksi (kips per square inch) to lbs (pounds), you need to know the conversion factor between the two units.

The conversion factor is as follows:
1 kip = 1000 lbs
1 square inch = 1 square inch

To convert 95,000 ksi to lbs, you can follow these steps:

1. Multiply the given value (95,000 ksi) by the conversion factor of kip to lbs.
95,000 ksi * (1 kip / 1000 lbs) = 95 kip

2. Since kip measures force per unit area, and pounds (lbs) measures force, you need to multiply by the area over which the force is applied. For example, if you are converting force per square inch to force in pounds, and your area is 1 square inch, you would multiply by 1 square inch.

In this case, you have not provided the area over which the force is applied (for example, in square inches), so I cannot provide the final conversion result.

To complete the conversion, multiply the 95 kip by the area in square inches over which the force is applied.

Please provide the area over which the force is applied, and I'll be happy to guide you through the complete conversion process.