aunt consuelo is consuelo metendez, doctor of dental surgery? the words

(Aunt, Consuelo, Consuelo, Metendez, Doctor, Dental, Surgery )need to be capitalized


Aunt, Consuelo, Consuelo, Metendez, Doctor, Dental, Surgery

thanks guys you are of great help

The Henderson family moved to Chicago. From the east coast

To determine whether Aunt Consuelo is Consuelo Metendez, Doctor of Dental Surgery, we can follow a few steps:

1. Identify the name: In the given sentence, the name mentioned is "Consuelo Metendez."

2. Check if the given name matches: Compare "Consuelo Metendez" with "Aunt Consuelo." If the two names match, we can conclude that Aunt Consuelo is indeed Consuelo Metendez.

3. Capitalize the words: To capitalize the specific words mentioned, we capitalize the first letter of each word: Aunt, Consuelo, Consuelo, Metendez, Doctor, Dental, Surgery. The rest of the words remain in lowercase.

Revised sentence: Aunt Consuelo is Consuelo Metendez, Doctor of Dental Surgery.