Which job would be better?

One that has a salary where the mean and median are close OR

one where the salary of the mean and median have huge gap (like mean 36,000 and median 20,000)

one with the mean and median close

Are you assuming that the person has the mean or median salary? You cannot judge a person's salary by the difference between mean and median, unless the salary = either measure. Where your salary is in the distribution is more important than the mean/median values. (e.g., If your salary is the lowest in the distribution, you will be dissatisfied, regardless of the values of the mean/median.)

Also, remember that the mean is most influenced by extreme scores, whether they are higher or lower.

To evaluate which job would be better based on the mean and median salary, you need to understand the concepts of mean and median and their implications.

The mean is a measure of central tendency that represents the average salary by summing up the salaries of all employees and dividing it by the total number of employees. The median is the middle value when all salaries are arranged in ascending or descending order.

If a job has a salary where the mean and median are close, it suggests that the salaries are relatively evenly distributed around the average. This could imply a more balanced salary structure within the organization, with fewer significant outliers. It could also indicate that there are minimal extreme salaries that greatly influence the mean.

On the other hand, if a job has a large gap between the mean and median salary, like the example you provided (mean $36,000 and median $20,000), it implies that there are a few individuals earning significantly higher salaries that are pulling up the mean. This could be due to a small number of highly paid positions or the presence of outliers with higher salaries.

Choosing between these two scenarios largely depends on your personal preferences and circumstances. A job with salaries close to the mean could potentially offer a greater chance of earning a salary that aligns with the average. However, a job with a large gap between the mean and median could indicate potential opportunities for higher salaries, as long as you are able to secure one of those higher-paying positions.

Ultimately, factors such as job satisfaction, growth opportunities, work-life balance, and other benefits should also be considered when deciding which job would be better for you.