How do you calculate error analysis?

For example; 200 +- 5%

Please explain if possible

Percent yield:

(actual value / theoretical value) x 100

Percent Error:
( | theoretical - actual | / theoretical) x 100
(same as 100 - % yeild)

Theo: is from stoichiometry or other math calculation
Actual: is what you actually optained in the lab - or given to you in a problem.

Thanks your explanation helped a lot :]

Your Welcome:)

To calculate error analysis, you need to understand the concept of percentage error. Percentage error is a measure of how much an observed or measured value deviates from the true value, expressed as a percentage.

In your example, 200 +- 5%, the value of 200 represents the observed or measured quantity, and 5% represents the percentage error.

To calculate the actual error amount, you first convert the percentage error into a decimal by dividing it by 100. In this case, 5% is equivalent to 0.05 (5/100).

To calculate the error amount, you multiply the observed quantity by the decimal representing the percentage error. So, for 200 +- 5%, the error amount would be:

Error = 200 * 0.05 = 10

Therefore, the calculated error is 10.

To analyze the error, you can then consider how it relates to the observed quantity. In this case, you can express the result as 200 ± 10, indicating that the measured value is potentially anywhere between 190 (200 - 10) to 210 (200 + 10).

Keep in mind that error analysis is an important aspect of scientific measurement and can provide valuable insights into the accuracy and precision of experimental results.