What is the name of this compound

...OH (this should fall directly under "CH")

The compound you provided is called 2-butanol.

To determine the name of the compound, you need to follow the rules of organic nomenclature, specifically for naming alcohols.

In this case, the compound has a main chain of four carbon atoms (CH3CHCH2CH3) with an -OH group attached to the second carbon atom. To find the name, follow these steps:

1. Identify the longest continuous chain of carbon atoms. In this case, it's a 4-carbon chain, so it's a butane.

2. Number the carbon atoms in the chain to give the -OH group the lowest possible number. In this case, the -OH group is attached to the second carbon atom, so we number the carbons as follows:
CH3 - CH(OH) - CH2 - CH3

3. Name the alkane chain using the appropriate prefix for the number of carbon atoms. In this case, the main chain has four carbon atoms, so the prefix is "but-".

4. Add the suffix "-ol" to indicate that it is an alcohol. This suffix is used for compounds with the -OH functional group.

Putting everything together, the name of the compound is "2-butanol".