What class do the following organic compounds do each belong and what is the IUPAC name --

......|..|..(supposed to be a hexagon)
........| Br

2. CH3CHClBr - I have 1-bromo-1-chlorothane, what is the class?

3. H....Cl
.....H...H, I have chloroethene, what is the class?

To determine the class and IUPAC name of the given organic compounds, we'll need to analyze their structures.

1. The first compound contains two Br atoms attached to a hexagonal carbon ring. This is referred to as a dibromo-substituted benzene ring. The class of this compound is a halogenated aromatic compound. The IUPAC name for this particular compound will depend on the substitution pattern of the rest of the ring. Please provide more information regarding the substituents on the remaining carbon positions, and I can help you determine the IUPAC name.

2. In the second compound, CH3CHClBr, the presence of a bromine (Br) and chlorine (Cl) atom indicates that it is a chloro-brominated alkane. The class of this compound is a haloalkane or alkyl halide. The IUPAC name is 1-bromo-1-chloroethane.

3. The third compound, H-Cl-C=C-H, is referred to as chloroethene. The presence of the double bond (C=C) indicates that it belongs to the class of alkenes. The IUPAC name for this compound is 1-chloroethene.