How do you expand this log expression?


To expand the given logarithmic expression, we need to apply the log properties. Here are the necessary steps:

Step 1: Break down the expression into separate logarithms using the properties of division and multiplication:

log(3x/5z) + log(sqrt(y))

Step 2: Apply the property of quotients to simplify the first logarithm. The property states that log(a/b) is equal to log(a) - log(b):

log(3x) - log(5z) + log(sqrt(y))

Step 3: Simplify further using the property of squares to eliminate the square root. The square root can be rewritten as raising the number to the power of 1/2:

log(3x) - log(5z) + log(y^(1/2))

Step 4: Use the property of exponents to bring the power of 1/2 inside the logarithm:

log(3x) - log(5z) + (1/2) * log(y)

So, the expanded form of the given logarithmic expression is:

log(3x) - log(5z) + (1/2) * log(y)