How did the wedding being moved earlier a day affect Friar Laurence's plan and cause the two lovers' death? Even if the wedding wasn't moved up, Friar John would still have been quarantined by rhe plague and wouldn't have been able to deliver the message to Romeo.

Friar Laurence's plan to prevent the tragic outcome for Romeo and Juliet depended on timing and meticulous execution. By moving the wedding earlier by a day, several unfortunate events were set in motion that ultimately led to the deaths of the two lovers.

Firstly, the change in the wedding date created a sense of urgency for Romeo and Juliet. They saw the opportunity to be together as husband and wife slipping away, so they rushed into action without considering the potential consequences. This haste led to impulsive decisions and a lack of a solid backup plan.

Secondly, the accelerated schedule put pressure on Friar Laurence's own preparations. He had planned to give Juliet a potion that would make her appear lifeless, allowing her to escape her arranged marriage and reunite with Romeo later. However, the compressed timeframe left little room for error or contingencies.

Thirdly, the unforeseen event of Romeo's exile added to the complications. Following his murder of Juliet's cousin, Tybalt, Romeo was banished from Verona. This meant that even if the wedding hadn't been moved and Friar John hadn't been quarantined, Romeo would not have been able to stay in town to await Juliet's awakening. The combination of these factors resulted in miscommunication and Romeo never receiving the message explaining the plan.

Regarding Friar John's role, you are correct that even if the wedding hadn't been moved up, he would have been quarantined and unable to deliver the message to Romeo. It is important to note that the timing was crucial for this plan to succeed, and the unforeseen circumstances that followed the change in the wedding date were the primary causes of the tragic outcome. Had the original schedule been maintained, there might have been a better chance for the message to reach Romeo in time, allowing him to understand Juliet's apparent death and preventing their untimely deaths.

In summary, the decision to move the wedding earlier by a day created a series of chain reactions that ultimately led to Romeo and Juliet's deaths. The sense of urgency, lack of time for proper planning, Romeo's exile, and Friar John's quarantine all contributed to the tragic outcome.