how do you solve these problems

1. 3y+5y/3= 8

2.m + 5 = m-3

3.3z/2 - 17/3 = 2z/3 - 3/2

4. -3a + 9 = 3a - 9

first one ...

multiply each term by 3 to get
9y + 5y = 24
14y = 24
y = 24/14 = 12/7

second ..
no solution

third ... multiply each term by 6 to get
9z - 34 = 4z - 9
easy from there

4th ....
give it a shot, it is so easy.

# 1 is wrong

and is # 4 no solution?

i cant get # 4!


-3a + 9 = 3a - 9
-6a = -18
a = -18/-6
a = 3

I had y = 12/7

Left Side
= 3(12/7) + 5(12/7) / 3
= 36/7 + 60/21
= 36/7 + 20/7
= 56/7 = 8
= right side

My answer is correct.
Did you type the equation correctly?

To solve these problems, we need to isolate the variable on one side of the equation. Here's how to solve each problem step by step:

1. 3y + 5y/3 = 8
To solve for y, we start by getting rid of the fraction. Multiply both sides of the equation by 3 to eliminate the fraction:
3 * 3y + 3 * (5y/3) = 8 * 3
9y + 5y = 24
Combine like terms:
14y = 24
Now, divide both sides of the equation by 14:
(14y)/14 = 24/14
y = 24/14

2. m + 5 = m - 3
To solve for m, we want to isolate the variable on one side of the equation. Let's start by subtracting m from both sides of the equation:
m - m + 5 = m - m - 3
5 = -3
The equation becomes 5 = -3 which is not possible. This means that the equation has no solution.

3. 3z/2 - 17/3 = 2z/3 - 3/2
To solve for z, we need to eliminate the fractions. To do that, we'll multiply every term by the least common denominator (LCD) of the fractions involved. In this case, the LCD is 6:
6 * (3z/2) - 6 * (17/3) = 6 * (2z/3) - 6 * (3/2)
9z - 34 = 4z - 9
Next, we'll gather all the z terms on one side and the constant terms on the other side:
9z - 4z = -9 + 34
5z = 25
Now, divide both sides of the equation by 5:
(5z)/5 = 25/5
z = 5

4. -3a + 9 = 3a - 9
To solve for a, let's start by adding 3a to both sides of the equation:
-3a + 3a + 9 = 3a + 3a - 9
9 = 6a - 9
Next, add 9 to both sides of the equation:
9 + 9 = 6a - 9 + 9
18 = 6a
Now divide both sides of the equation by 6:
(18)/6 = (6a)/6
3 = a

Therefore, the solutions to the given equations are:
1. y = 24/14
2. This equation has no solution.
3. z = 5
4. a = 3