A homozygous curly haired pig is crossed with a homozygous straight haired guinea pig. All the offspring are straight-haired(H-dominant straight, h-recessive curly)

a) make a punnet square for the f-1 generation

I'm a beginner on this stuff, so Im not sure if If I have done things right.

My square kind of looks like this:


h | h

H | Hh | Hh

H | Hh | Hh

can you please tell me if this is done correctly.

what is the difference between a f1 generation and a f2 generation?

Please help me:-(

Yes, your Punnett square is correct for the F1 generation.

To create a Punnett square, you need to write the possible gametes (sex cells) from each parent along the top and left side of the square. In this case, the homozygous curly-haired pig would have gametes with the letter "h" (homozygous dominant), and the homozygous straight-haired guinea pig would have gametes with the letter "H" (homozygous recessive).

Then, you would fill in the squares by combining the gametes from the parents. Since the straight-haired trait is dominant (H), the resulting genotypes for the F1 generation would be Hh for all offspring. This means that all of the offspring in the F1 generation would have straight hair, even though one parent had curly hair.