I have to tell about the society of the Iroquois people. Does that include their system of government as well?

Yes it would include their government:)


Well actually you decide:

*Society is an extended social group having a distinctive cultural and economic organization.
*Government is the organization that is the governing authority of a political unit; "the government reduced taxes"; "the matter was referred to higher.

your welcome:)

Yes, when discussing the society of the Iroquois people, it is important to include their system of government. The Iroquois people had a unique political structure known as the Iroquois Confederacy or the League of the Iroquois. This system of government played a significant role in their society and is worth exploring.

To learn more about the Iroquois Confederacy, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by conducting research on the topic. Books, academic journals, and credible online sources like reputable websites or databases can provide valuable information. It's important to rely on sources that are backed by historical evidence and scholarly analysis.

2. Learn about the origins and history of the Iroquois Confederacy. Understanding how and why it was formed will provide context for its significance in Iroquois society. Look for information on the legends and historical accounts associated with the confederacy's formation.

3. Explore the structure and organization of the Iroquois Confederacy. Investigate how power was distributed and decisions were made within the confederacy. Note the roles and responsibilities of the various political entities, such as the clan mothers, sachems, and chiefs.

4. Examine the principles and values that guided the Iroquois Confederacy. Investigate the concepts of unity, consensus, and the promotion of peace among the member nations. Understanding the underlying principles of the confederacy will provide insight into its significance within Iroquois society.

5. Consider the impact of the Iroquois Confederacy on other political systems. The confederacy's influence went beyond the Iroquois people, as it served as an inspiration for the development of democratic ideals in the United States, specifically influencing the creation of the U.S. Constitution.

By following these steps and conducting thorough research, you will be able to provide a comprehensive overview of the Iroquois people's society, including their system of government within the Iroquois Confederacy. Remember to properly cite and credit your sources when gathering information.