1. He knows how to dance Samba.

2. He knows how to dance samba.

(Which expression is right? Do we have to capitalize 'samba' or not? Thank you.)

Some sources say that Samba is capitalized; other sources do not capitalize it.

However, we say the samba -- with the article, "the."

The correct expression is "He knows how to dance samba." In this case, "samba" should not be capitalized, unless it is the first word of a sentence.

In general, the capitalization of certain words, such as dance styles, depends on the specific style guide or grammatical rules being followed. However, in the case of "samba," it is generally not capitalized unless it is part of a proper noun or at the beginning of a sentence.

To determine the capitalization of a specific word, you can refer to a style guide, such as the Associated Press (AP) Stylebook or the Chicago Manual of Style (CMS). These guides provide standardized rules for capitalization and other grammatical conventions in writing.