By fictional elements i mean , Setting, Character, Conflict, Symbol, and Point of View and theme. But i am focusing strictly on conflict.. other than that does the rest of it make sense?

non-fiction = true, factual; these are usually biographies, autobiographies, histories

fiction = imaginative, made-up characters, events, dialogue, etc.; may be based on something historical or factual, but mostly imaginative

Yes, the elements you mentioned – setting, character, conflict, symbol, point of view, and theme – are commonly considered the fundamental elements of a fictional story. They help shape the narrative and provide depth to the overall plot and message of the story.

While you mentioned that you are specifically focusing on conflict, it is important to understand how all the other elements contribute to the conflict within a story. Each element plays a crucial role in establishing and developing different types of conflicts.

Here's a breakdown of how these elements relate to conflict in fiction:

1. Setting: The setting refers to the time, place, and atmosphere in which the story occurs. The setting can influence the conflict by creating obstacles, limitations, or opportunities for the characters. For example, a story set in a post-apocalyptic world may present conflicts related to survival or power struggles.

2. Character: Characters are the individuals who drive the story forward. They can experience internal and external conflicts. Internal conflicts involve struggles within a character's mind or emotions, such as moral dilemmas or decisions. External conflicts involve interactions or clashes between characters or their environment.

3. Conflict: Conflict is the central problem or struggle that drives the narrative. It creates tension and propels the story forward. There are different types of conflict, including person vs. person, person vs. self, person vs. society, person vs. nature, etc. The conflict can arise from various sources, such as opposing goals, beliefs, or circumstances.

4. Symbol: A symbol is an object, person, or event that represents a deeper meaning beyond its literal interpretation. Symbols can enhance the conflict by adding layers of meaning and subtext. They often reflect and emphasize the themes and conflicts at play.

5. Point of View: Point of view refers to the perspective from which the story is narrated. Different points of view can shape the portrayal and understanding of the conflict. First-person narration provides a subjective view, while third-person narration allows for multiple perspectives. The choice of point of view influences how the conflict is perceived and experienced by the reader.

6. Theme: The theme is the underlying message or main idea conveyed by the story. It typically arises from the conflicts and their resolutions. Themes can be universal and explore human experiences, such as love, power, or identity. They help readers connect with the story and reflect on its significance.

Therefore, while conflict is a crucial element in fiction, it is intricately connected to the other elements you mentioned. Understanding the interplay between these elements can enhance your analysis and interpretation of a story's conflict.