1)While it is rare, sometimes folkways can be laws.

is it True or False?
2)Sanctions are always punishments for breaking norms.
Is it true or false?
3)When change is brought about through movements such as the Civil Rights Movement and the Women's Suffrage movement, movements that were the result of actions between groups in society, this is an example of __________ in action.
Choose one answer.

a. structural fuctionalism

b. symbolic interactionism

c. social conflict theory

d. sociologism

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1) To determine whether it is true or false that folkways can sometimes be laws, we need to understand what folkways and laws are. Folkways are informal social norms that guide everyday behavior in a society. They are customary practices or behaviors that are expected but not legally enforced. On the other hand, laws are formal rules established by a governing authority with legal consequences for non-compliance.

In some cases, certain folkways can be elevated to the status of laws. This can happen when a societal norm becomes so deeply ingrained and widely accepted that it is recognized and enforced by the legal system. For example, jaywalking (crossing the street outside designated crosswalks) is a folkway that is often considered a minor offense, but in some jurisdictions, it is codified as a specific law.

Therefore, the statement "While it is rare, sometimes folkways can be laws" is true.

2) To determine whether it is true or false that sanctions are always punishments for breaking norms, we need to understand what sanctions and norms are. Sanctions are social consequences, either positive or negative, that individuals receive for conforming to or deviating from social norms. Norms, on the other hand, are shared expectations and rules about behavior within a society.

While sanctions can often be seen as punishments for breaking norms, they can also be rewards for conforming to norms. For example, receiving praise or recognition for doing well in school can be considered a positive sanction for conforming to the norm of academic achievement.

Therefore, the statement "Sanctions are always punishments for breaking norms" is false.

3) The question asks which sociological framework best describes change brought about through movements like the Civil Rights Movement and the Women's Suffrage movement. Let's go through the options one by one:

a. Structural functionalism: This perspective focuses on how different parts of society work together to maintain stability and order. While these movements may have led to social change, they also challenged existing social structures and power dynamics. Therefore, structural functionalism does not fully capture the transformative nature of these movements.

b. Symbolic interactionism: This perspective emphasizes the importance of meanings and symbols in shaping social interactions. While symbols and meanings play a role in these movements, they primarily focus on addressing larger systemic issues and transforming social norms and laws. Hence, symbolic interactionism does not fully explain the broader context of these movements.

c. Social conflict theory: This perspective recognizes that conflict and inequality are inherent in social structures and that social change occurs through these conflicts. The Civil Rights Movement and the Women's Suffrage movement can be seen as examples of social conflict theory in action, as they aimed to challenge and change existing power structures and social hierarchies.

d. Sociologism: This term is not a recognized sociological framework or theory.

Therefore, the correct answer is c. social conflict theory