why did the mayor decide not to teach his wife how to drive in the novel the color purple?

In order to understand why the mayor decided not to teach his wife how to drive in the novel "The Color Purple" by Alice Walker, let's break down the process of finding the answer.

1. Read the novel: Start by reading the novel "The Color Purple" by Alice Walker. This will provide you with the specific details and context surrounding the mayor's decision.

2. Analyze the storyline: Pay attention to the interactions and dialogues involving the mayor and his wife throughout the novel. Look for any clues or incidents that may shed light on his decision.

3. Identify the reasons: Look for any explicit or implicit reasons or motivations that might have influenced the mayor's decision. Consider the themes and social dynamics portrayed in the novel, such as gender roles, power dynamics, and control.

4. Interpret author's intentions: Analyze the author's writing style, character development, and themes present in the novel. Consider whether Alice Walker deliberately incorporated this decision to convey specific social or cultural commentary or to develop the characters.

By following these steps, you will be able to gain a deeper understanding of why the mayor decided not to teach his wife how to drive in "The Color Purple."