

= 5c²+5cd+4c²d-2cd-6-cd+8

= 5c^2 + 4c^2d + 2cd + 2


To simplify the expression (5c²+5cd)+(4c²d-2cd-6)+(-cd+8), we will combine like terms.

Step 1: Group the terms with the same variables together.
(5c² + 5cd) + (4c²d - 2cd - 6) + (-cd + 8)

Step 2: Combine the terms within each group first.
For the first group (5c² + 5cd), there are no like terms to combine.
For the second group (4c²d - 2cd - 6), there are no like terms to combine.
For the third group (-cd + 8), there are no like terms to combine.

Step 3: Combine the three groups together.
(5c² + 5cd) + (4c²d - 2cd - 6) + (-cd + 8)

Step 4: Distribute the negative sign to the terms in the third group.
(5c² + 5cd) + (4c²d - 2cd - 6) - cd + 8

Step 5: Combine all the like terms.
5c² + 5cd + 4c²d - 2cd - 6 - cd + 8

Finally, the simplified expression is:
9c²d + 3cd + 2

To simplify the expression, we grouped the terms with the same variables together and then combined the like terms. This way we were able to simplify the given expression.