The boiling point on the kelvin scale is?

Unit of volume in SI system

How much heavier is benzene than water?

373 K, cubic meter (m^3), the molecular weight of benzene is 78 and the molecular weight of water is 18

The boiling point on the kelvin scale is?

The boiling point of WHAT on the K scale is?

Unit of volume in SI system
cubic meter

How much heavier is benzene than water?
The density of benzene is less than that of water. What exactly do you mean by heavier?

To find the boiling point on the Kelvin scale, you can use the equation T(K) = T(°C) + 273.15.

For example, if the boiling point of a substance in degrees Celsius is 100°C, you would add 273.15 to convert it to Kelvin. So, the boiling point in Kelvin would be 373.15 K.

The unit of volume in the SI system is the cubic meter (m³). This is the base unit of volume. However, in practical terms, some commonly used submultiples and multiples of the cubic meter are also used, such as cubic centimeter (cm³), liter (L), and milliliter (mL).

To determine how much heavier benzene is compared to water, you need to consider the density of both substances. The density of benzene is approximately 0.88 g/cm³, while the density of water is 1 g/cm³.

To calculate the ratio of the densities, you divide the density of benzene by the density of water:

Density ratio = Density of benzene / Density of water
Density ratio = 0.88 g/cm³ / 1 g/cm³
Density ratio = 0.88

Therefore, benzene is approximately 0.88 times as dense as water, making it lighter than water.