A ship travels from New York to southampton, england at 33 miles per hour. A plane traveling 605 miles per hour takes 104 hours less time to make the same trip. How far apart are the two cities?

let the distance between the cities be d miles

time for plane = d/605
time for ship = d/33

solve for d

d/33 - d/605 = 104

( I got d = 3630)

To find the distance between New York and Southampton, we need to use the formula:

Distance = Speed × Time

Let's assume the distance between the two cities is "D" miles.

For the ship:
Distance = 33 miles/hour × Time (in hours) ----(1)

For the plane:
Distance = 605 miles/hour × (Time - 104) (since the plane takes 104 hours less time) ----(2)

Since both distances are equal (the ship and the plane cover the same distance), we can set equation (1) equal to equation (2):

33T = 605(T - 104)

Now we can solve this equation to find the value of T (Time):

33T = 605T - 61660

605T - 33T = 61660

572T = 61660

T = 61660 / 572

T ≈ 107.83 hours

Now that we have the value of T, we can substitute it back into equation (1) to find the distance between the two cities:

Distance = 33 miles/hour × 107.83 hours

Distance ≈ 3555.39 miles

Therefore, the two cities, New York and Southampton, England, are approximately 3555.39 miles apart.