where can i find children songs from other countries that also tell me who wrote them and there copyright date??

This site seems pretty comprehensive.


You may not find who wrote them or copyright dates because many songs are traditional and the original writers are unknown.

To find children's songs from other countries and obtain information about their composers and copyright dates, you can follow these steps:

1. Online Music Platforms: Visit popular online music platforms such as Spotify, Apple Music, or YouTube. These platforms usually have a wide collection of children's songs from around the world.

2. Song Databases: Utilize online song databases that specialize in providing information about various songs and their compositions. Websites like MusicBrainz or AllMusic can be helpful resources.

3. International Song Indexes: Explore international song indexes or databases that catalog songs from different countries. One example is the International Music Score Library Project (IMSLP), which focuses on sheet music and classical compositions.

4. National Song Archives: Check if the country you are interested in has a national song archive or library. These archives often have comprehensive collections of traditional children's songs and can provide detailed information about the compositions.

5. Online Research: Conduct a targeted online search using specific keywords such as "children's songs from [country name] composer copyright date." This can lead you to websites, articles, or academic resources that discuss specific songs and their composers' information.

Remember that copyright laws vary between countries, and the copyright dates of children's songs might not always be readily available. In some cases, traditional children's songs may not have specific copyright information as they are part of the public domain or have been passed down through generations.