An astronaut exploring a distant solar system lands on an unnamed planet with a radius of 2520 km. When the astronaut jumps upward with an initial speed of 2.94 m/s, she rises to a height of 0.83 m. What is the mass of the planet?

Calculate the value of the acceleration of gravity "g" on that planet using

V = sqrt(2gH), which leads to
g = V^2/(2H)

Then use g = GM/R^2 to solve for the planet mass, M. G is the universal constant of gravity and R is the planet's radius

unfortunately those calculations didn't work, its saying my answer varies significantally

To find the mass of the planet, we can use the formula for the gravitational potential energy:

PE = mgh

PE is the potential energy
m is the mass of the astronaut
g is the acceleration due to gravity
h is the height the astronaut reaches

First, we need to calculate the acceleration due to gravity on the planet.

We can use the formula:

g = GM / R^2

g is the acceleration due to gravity
G is the universal gravitational constant
M is the mass of the planet
R is the radius of the planet

Given that the radius of the planet is 2520 km (or 2520000 m), we have:

g = G * M / (2520000)^2

Next, we can calculate the acceleration due to gravity on the planet using the value of the universal gravitational constant:

G = 6.67430 × 10^-11 m^3 kg^-1 s^-2

Now let's calculate the acceleration due to gravity:

g = (6.67430 × 10^-11 m^3 kg^-1 s^-2 * M) / (2520000 m)^2

Now that we have the value of the acceleration due to gravity, we can calculate the potential energy using the given height:

PE = m * g * h

We know that the astronaut rises to a height of 0.83 m and has an initial speed of 2.94 m/s. The initial kinetic energy is given by:

KE = (1/2) * m * v^2

Since the astronaut reaches a maximum height, the initial kinetic energy is equal to the final potential energy:



(1/2) * m * (2.94 m/s)^2 = m * g * 0.83 m

We can now solve this equation to find the mass of the planet.

To find the mass of the planet, we can use the law of universal gravitation and the conservation of mechanical energy.

First, we need to calculate the escape velocity, which is the minimum speed an object needs to escape from the planet's gravitational pull. The escape velocity is given by the formula:

v_escape = √(2 * G * M / R)

- v_escape is the escape velocity
- G is the universal gravitational constant
- M is the mass of the planet
- R is the radius of the planet

Plugging in the values we have:
v_escape = √(2 * G * M / R)

Next, we use the conservation of mechanical energy, which states that the sum of kinetic energy and potential energy is constant. When the astronaut is at her maximum height, all her kinetic energy is converted into potential energy.

Kinetic energy (KE) = 1/2 * m * v^2
Potential energy (PE) = -G * M * m / r

- m is the astronaut's mass
- v is the astronaut's initial velocity
- r is the distance from the planet's center to the astronaut's position

At the maximum height, the astronaut's velocity is 0, so the kinetic energy is 0. The potential energy is given by:

PE = -G * M * m / r

Now we can equate the potential energy at the maximum height to the kinetic energy at the start:


-G * M * m / r = 1/2 * m * v^2

Simplifying the equation:

-2G * M / r = v^2
2G * M = v^2 * r

Finally, substituting the value for the escape velocity (v_escape) into the equation:

2G * M = v_escape^2 * R

Now, solving for the mass of the planet (M):

M = (v_escape^2 * R) / (2 * G)

Substituting the known values:

M = (2.94 m/s)^2 * 2520 km / (2 * 6.67430 × 10^-11 N(m/kg)^2)

Converting km to meters:

M = (2.94 m/s)^2 * 2520000 m / (2 * 6.67430 × 10^-11 N(m/kg)^2)

Calculating the result will give you the mass of the planet.