Classify the following polynomial


a) monomial
b) binomial
c) trinomial

A polynomial with one and only one term is a monomial. For example 3xy, -4x², 6xyz².

If there are exactly two terms, related by a + or - sign between them, it is a binomial. Examples: x+y, 5x+2, x²+y

A trinomial is a polynomial that has three terms. Examples: x+y+z, 2x²+4x+2.

Now you can proceed to give a response to the question you posted.

To classify a polynomial, we need to understand the terms within it. In general, a term in a polynomial is defined as the product of a coefficient and one or more variables raised to a power.

In the given polynomial -32xyz, we have one term. Let's break it down:
- The coefficient is -32, which is a constant.
- The variables are x, y, and z.

Since we have only one term, the given polynomial is classified as a monomial.

So the correct answer is:
a) monomial