Select and list one event within each of the five historical periods or eras that stand out to you. List the events in chronological order, and identify the period or era for each event.

Ancient Egypt: Reign of Hatshepsut

Ancient Greece: Alexander the Great

Ooops -- this is for YOU to decide -- not me!

To complete this task, you will need to identify five different historical periods or eras and choose one event from each of them. Here is an example selection of events, organized in chronological order:

1. Ancient Period: The Construction of the Great Pyramids of Giza (c. 2560 BCE)
- This event took place during the Ancient Period, which encompasses the earliest civilizations such as Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt, and the Indus Valley. The construction of the pyramids showcases the advancement of technical skills and monumental architecture during this time.

2. Classical Period: The Battle of Marathon (490 BCE)
- The Battle of Marathon occurred during the Classical Period, which refers to the flourishing of ancient Greece and the rise of Greek city-states. The battle marked a pivotal moment in the Greco-Persian Wars, where the Athenians successfully defended their city against the Persian invasion.

3. Medieval Period: The Black Death (1347-1351)
- The Black Death, also known as the Bubonic Plague, occurred during the Medieval Period, a time that witnessed the dominance of feudalism and the influence of the Catholic Church. The pandemic had significant impacts on demography, social structure, and European history as a whole.

4. Renaissance Period: The Publication of "The Prince" by Niccolò Machiavelli (1532)
- The Renaissance Period represents a cultural and intellectual movement that emerged in Europe, characterized by a renewed interest in art, science, and humanism. "The Prince" by Niccolò Machiavelli, an influential political treatise, was published during this period, emphasizing practical and strategic governance.

5. Modern Period: The Moon Landing (1969)
- The Moon Landing is a remarkable event that occurred during the Modern Period, characterized by industrialization, globalization, and significant advancements in technology. The Apollo 11 mission resulted in humanity's first steps on the moon, representing a significant milestone in scientific exploration and Cold War competition.

Remember to conduct further research to ensure accuracy and detail in your chosen events.