Which of the following selections contains a run-on? If none of the selections contains a run-on, select "Correct." (Points: 5)

Everyone praised Matthew for his will power.
He quit smoking five years ago, he still craves a cigarette from time to time.
Addictions are hard to break.

Which one do YOU think it is?


Not correct. The 2nd one IS a run on because there are two separate statements. Either put a semicolon after ago; OR a period and capitalize He.


The selection that contains a run-on sentence is: "He quit smoking five years ago, he still craves a cigarette from time to time."

To identify a run-on sentence, we need to look for two or more independent clauses that are not properly connected. An independent clause is a group of words that can stand alone as a complete sentence because it expresses a complete thought.

In the given selection, "He quit smoking five years ago" and "he still craves a cigarette from time to time" are two independent clauses. However, they are not properly connected or separated. Therefore, this selection contains a run-on sentence.

To correct the run-on sentence, we can add a coordinating conjunction like "but" between the two independent clauses. This would make the sentence read: "He quit smoking five years ago, but he still craves a cigarette from time to time."