Ms. Sue I just realized that I missed out the climax:-( Now I am confused. What would the climax be?

Isn't the climax the same as the crisis?

It's the highest point on the plot. The crisis is behind it. I have been given a plot outline, and there is a separate crisis and climax box. I always get ixed up between the two, and do not know what to write. Any suggestions?

In your story, the climax is when the ugly duckling realizes the grandma's plan and escapes.

Thank you Ms. Sue, and thanks a lot for that site. I will definitely look through it. I love interactive sites, they help me understand about things a whole lot better. Thank you very much


Also would the crisis be when the grandma finds the duckling and takes him home with her?


To determine the climax of a story, you need to identify the most intense and dramatic moment or turning point in the plot. It is the point where the conflict reaches its peak and the outcome becomes clear. To find the climax, you can follow these steps:

1. Recall the major events leading up to the climax: Review the important actions, conflicts, and plot developments in the story. This will help you pinpoint the rising action that builds suspense and tension.

2. Identify the turning point: Look for the moment when the story takes a significant shift or when the tension reaches its highest point. Often, this is where the protagonist faces a crucial decision or confronts the main obstacle or antagonist.

3. Consider the outcome: Think about what happens after the turning point. The climax usually sets the stage for the resolution or conclusion of the story. It often leads to a change in the main character or a resolution of the central conflict.

By reflecting on these aspects, you should be able to identify the climax of the story you are referring to. If you need further assistance or have more specific information about the story, please provide it so that I can help you in a better way.